- 01. Deep Learning Frameworks
- 02. Introduction to Deep Neural Networks
- 03. What is Deep Learning?
- 04. Solving Problems - Big and Small
- 05. Let's Get Started!
- 06. Installing TensorFlow
- 07. Hello, Tensor World!
- 08. Quiz: Tensorflow Input
- 09. Quiz: Tensorflow Math
- 10. Transition to Classification
- 11. Supervised Classification
- 12. Let's make a deal
- 13. Training Your Logistic Classifier
- 14. TensorFlow Linear Function
- 15. Quiz: Linear Function
- 16. Linear Update
- 17. Quiz: Softmax
- 18. Quiz: TensorFlow Softmax Workspaces
- 19. One-Hot Encoding
- 20. Quiz: One-Hot Encoding
- 21. Cross Entropy
- 22. Minimizing Cross Entropy
- 23. Practical Aspects of Learning
- 24. Quiz: Numerical Stability
- 25. Normalized Inputs and Initial Weights
- 26. Measuring Performance
- 27. Transition: Overfitting -> Dataset Size
- 28. Validation and Test Set Size
- 29. Validation Set Size
- 30. Validation Test Set Size Continued
- 31. Optimizing a Logistic Classifier
- 32. Stochastic Gradient Descent
- 33. Momentum and Learning Rate Decay
- 34. Parameter Hyperspace!
- 35. Mini-batch
- 36. Quiz 2: Mini-batch
- 37. Epochs
- 38. Intro TensorFlow Neural Network
- 39. Lab: Neural Network Workspaces